Brian Wright still remembers his first nudge into becoming a writer when his middle school teacher asked him to enter a county essay contest in seventh grade. The topic that year was “What it meant to be an American” – ironically, a topic of hot debate still today.

Born on the East Coast and having lived on the Gulf Coast as well as the Pacific Northwest, Brian considers himself a tri-coastal American with many great stories along the way.

Formally trained as an engineer, Brian is a self-proclaimed recovering perfectionist where every decision was based on logic and completed with the greatest of precision. Thankfully, most of life doesn’t require such rigor and writing has become a great outlet for his creativity.

Fascinated about how people reached great success and overcame obstacles, he wanted to instill more confidence in his son who developed a stutter at a young age. In 2015 he launched the brand SuccessIs.Me, selling inspirational artwork targeted at preteens and young adults. He felt there was so many self-help and motivational resources for adults but very little for children and teens who were also going through life’s challenges.

While the business never really took off, his self-published book of poems, SuccessIs.Me is still available on Amazon.

About His Username @StpChg

Brian is a true believer in life being about constant growth. He feels success is about constant preparation to take advantage of those key moments that take you to the next level. Borrowing a term from his electronics class, a “step change” is a sudden (instantaneous) bump in an electrical waveform due to some input.

He wishes only the best for all his followers and hopes they can find their own step change in life.

Brian is a huge advocate for many of the great writers on Medium since joining back in 2020. Unlike other platforms, many writers are very accessible, where people can engage in thoughtful conversations around any topic imaginable – Become a Member Today!

Medium member since November 2020
B. Wright

Book Author

Recovering perfectionist, polymath in training. Top writer in Investing. Also covering Career, Entrepreneurship, Relationships, and random life observations.